Wednesday 17th May 2017
A report from Mike Snelling - Mid Wilts Video Society
From Getting Ready for Our Holiday a high energy start to the programme
via The West Somerset Railway a little unfair on Minehead - the old town
on the hill is very attractive, Through One Egg Or Two, a truly dreadful pun
to Showing Off, Monday was an evening packed with good things.
In Exeter Cathedral Huey gave us a personal view rather than a factual
documentary and suggested that when making such documentaries we
should consider that approach rather than feel it necessary to give a full
range of facts.
Still at Exeter Cathedral but at another time the BBC turned up to video
Flog It and Susie and Huey turned up to video them.
In doing so they amassed a vast amount of video which Susie managed
to sort through and produce a very well structured presentation, some of
us already knew it from last year’s Frome Five Minute Festival.
From this year’s festival, some of us had also seen Isn’t Nature Amazing,
a fascinating nature video combining bees and birds, which was a worthy
winner of the wildlife/nature section.
A previous winner of several awards was Susie’s Susie the Spider.
An excellent carefully shot and edited video which was given an extra
dimension by having, as a sound track, a young girl talking about spiders;
a really clever idea.
In Do I Measure Up Huey’s quirky view on the social aspects of metrology,
was an object lesson on how to make a quirky documentary.
The next group of videos including: Consider The Colour Orange, Bag Of
Marbles and Magic Marker were responses to various club challenges and
perhaps gave us some ideas for the future.
Green Screen Experiments gave an interesting twist on Chroma keying,
using a small green screen within the shot rather than as a background.
We were given an interesting insight into the making of Taking Down A
Gazebo, this seemed to be simply a speeded up video of a gazebo being
taking down, however Huey pointed out that it was not quite that simple
and some shots had to be held rather than the whole video simply being
speeded up.
Other films shown this evening were:
Nice Tramway
Cat Scratching Post
Drowning Your Sorrows
Powderham Garden Festival
This Place
It was a really entertaining and stimulating evening and many thanks
are due to Susie and Huey for the care that they put into the evening,
including taking the trouble to send us a programme.
Apparently the evening was a first for them and, amazingly they had
never before been asked to present a whole evening of their films.
They also brought some books and gadgets and engaged in much
Beryl among others was very interested in the pistol grip and Huey
has been kind enough to send the details of the website where it
can be found:
Mike Snelling - Mid Wilts Video Society
Monday 10 April 2017
A report from Mike Snelling - Mid Wilts Video Society
From Getting Ready for Our Holiday a high energy start to the programme
via The West Somerset Railway a little unfair on Minehead - the old town
on the hill is very attractive, Through One Egg Or Two, a truly dreadful pun
to Showing Off, Monday was an evening packed with good things.
In Exeter Cathedral Huey gave us a personal view rather than a factual
documentary and suggested that when making such documentaries we
should consider that approach rather than feel it necessary to give a full
range of facts.
Still at Exeter Cathedral but at another time the BBC turned up to video
Flog It and Susie and Huey turned up to video them.
In doing so they amassed a vast amount of video which Susie managed
to sort through and produce a very well structured presentation, some of
us already knew it from last year’s Frome Five Minute Festival.
From this year’s festival, some of us had also seen Isn’t Nature Amazing,
a fascinating nature video combining bees and birds, which was a worthy
winner of the wildlife/nature section.
A previous winner of several awards was Susie’s Susie the Spider.
An excellent carefully shot and edited video which was given an extra
dimension by having, as a sound track, a young girl talking about spiders;
a really clever idea.
In Do I Measure Up Huey’s quirky view on the social aspects of metrology,
was an object lesson on how to make a quirky documentary.
The next group of videos including: Consider The Colour Orange, Bag Of
Marbles and Magic Marker were responses to various club challenges and
perhaps gave us some ideas for the future.
Green Screen Experiments gave an interesting twist on Chroma keying,
using a small green screen within the shot rather than as a background.
We were given an interesting insight into the making of Taking Down A
Gazebo, this seemed to be simply a speeded up video of a gazebo being
taking down, however Huey pointed out that it was not quite that simple
and some shots had to be held rather than the whole video simply being
speeded up.
Other films shown this evening were:
Nice Tramway
Cat Scratching Post
Drowning Your Sorrows
Powderham Garden Festival
This Place
It was a really entertaining and stimulating evening and many thanks
are due to Susie and Huey for the care that they put into the evening,
including taking the trouble to send us a programme.
Apparently the evening was a first for them and, amazingly they had
never before been asked to present a whole evening of their films.
They also brought some books and gadgets and engaged in much
Beryl among others was very interested in the pistol grip and Huey
has been kind enough to send the details of the website where it
can be found:
Mike Snelling - Mid Wilts Video Society
Monday 10 April 2017

Saturday 1st March 2014
We can't explain why we haven't reviewed this book before,
because it's been sitting on our bookshelves since it was first published in 2007.
This 156 page paperback will teach you everything you need
to know about making films.
As it says on the back cover, "leading film-maker Mike Figgis
offers the reader a step-by-step tutorial in how to use digital film-making technology so as to get the very best from it".
All this is true.
You won't find any illustrations or photographs in this book. It's straightforward information all the way. Chapters on choosing
your weapon, the good old days of Super 8 and 16mm film-making, camera movement, and post production.
It's all here. If there's only one book you can afford, then please
buy this one. From most bookshops, it costs only £8.99
Yes, we know the date isn't yellow and the text isn't white,
but we are working on the problem at this very moment.
We finally cured the problem on Monday 30th June 2014. Thanks for staying with us.
We can't explain why we haven't reviewed this book before,
because it's been sitting on our bookshelves since it was first published in 2007.
This 156 page paperback will teach you everything you need
to know about making films.
As it says on the back cover, "leading film-maker Mike Figgis
offers the reader a step-by-step tutorial in how to use digital film-making technology so as to get the very best from it".
All this is true.
You won't find any illustrations or photographs in this book. It's straightforward information all the way. Chapters on choosing
your weapon, the good old days of Super 8 and 16mm film-making, camera movement, and post production.
It's all here. If there's only one book you can afford, then please
buy this one. From most bookshops, it costs only £8.99
Yes, we know the date isn't yellow and the text isn't white,
but we are working on the problem at this very moment.
We finally cured the problem on Monday 30th June 2014. Thanks for staying with us.

Wednesday 6th November 2013
This magazine started in March 2013,
and this November edition is its ninth issue.
116 pages
Please read our review of this magazine on our
Archive page, and let us know if you agree.
If you're confused about all this, so are we.
Most of us are now thinking about our Christmas Party
in Nice. There may well be a private jet waiting for us
at Exeter Airport. More news to follow.
This magazine started in March 2013,
and this November edition is its ninth issue.
116 pages
Please read our review of this magazine on our
Archive page, and let us know if you agree.
If you're confused about all this, so are we.
Most of us are now thinking about our Christmas Party
in Nice. There may well be a private jet waiting for us
at Exeter Airport. More news to follow.

The Film-Maker's Handbook 2013
Tuesday 22 January 2013
The Film-Maker's Handbook, 2013 edition has just
been published. At only £21.99, you'll receive over
800 pages.
It really is an excellent read. The last edition (published
six years ago) was astonishing.
This new version is even better.
Whether you are a beginner or an expert at the
film-making process. There is a lot of information
here for everyone.
We highly recommend it.
The Film-Maker's Handbook, 2013 edition has just
been published. At only £21.99, you'll receive over
800 pages.
It really is an excellent read. The last edition (published
six years ago) was astonishing.
This new version is even better.
Whether you are a beginner or an expert at the
film-making process. There is a lot of information
here for everyone.
We highly recommend it.

Film Editing by Don Fairservice
347 pages
For those of you who are more
interested in film making than
drooling over the latest camera.
And for those of you who regard film
editing as the most important part of
making and finishing a film rather than
those who like handling and fingering
and getting excited about the latest 4K
camera, then this is the book for you.
Highly recommended by us.
For those of you who are more
interested in film making than
drooling over the latest camera.
And for those of you who regard film
editing as the most important part of
making and finishing a film rather than
those who like handling and fingering
and getting excited about the latest 4K
camera, then this is the book for you.
Highly recommended by us.

Short Film Making
176 pages
It does exactly what it says on
the cover.
This book is beautifully laid out,
and is also highly recommended
by us.
It does exactly what it says on
the cover.
This book is beautifully laid out,
and is also highly recommended
by us.

Making Better Movies
September 1986

Film Making
April 1979

Movie Maker
August 1971

8mm Magazine
January 1969
3s 6d
3s 6d

Amateur Cine World
September 1963
1s 3d
1s 3d
And finally...

Film & Video Maker
Where would we be without it?
Available at all good magazine
shops if you ask them nicely.
Otherwise why not join The IAC
and receive it in the post every
two months. The price of the
magazine is included in the
If you'd like to join the IAC, please
click on our links page where you
will find their contact details.
Available at all good magazine
shops if you ask them nicely.
Otherwise why not join The IAC
and receive it in the post every
two months. The price of the
magazine is included in the
If you'd like to join the IAC, please
click on our links page where you
will find their contact details.